February 1st – 7th, 2022
The thing about meditation is, you become more and more you. (David Lynch)
7 Days of Meditation is a 7-Day Meditation Challenge with daily morning meditations on my YouTube Chanel. Every morning there will be a live stream meditation with a 15-minute guided meditation. We explore different meditations from meditation for grounding, meditation for letting go, mantra meditation and more guided morning meditations to support you in building a regular meditation routine.

I am hosting this challenge to support you in exploring a daily meditation practice and experiencing how a mindful morning routine affects your whole day in a positive way.
The mediations are suitable and accessible to everyone, you don’t need any previous experience or special equipment; just a quite space where you feel comfortable or headphones, if you can’t be by yourself for the practice.
During the week we meet at 8 am (CET) and on the weekend at 8.30am. If you cannot join at this time you can do the meditations at a time convenient to you as the videos will stray online after the live stream. All videos can be found here in this playlist so you can do your own challenge at any time.
The challenge is free for everyone. If you can and wish to support my work you can now become a member of my channel or make a donation. You support means a lot and will be used towards creating more free yoga and meditation videos for everyone.
If you wish to add a physical yoga practice after your meditation you can chose different lengths of morning yoga flows here: Yoga Morning Flows.
If you are looking for meditation music to accompany your meditation practice you can listen to this playlist.
I am so looking forward to meditating and connecting with you.